Golf caddies do much more than just lug around golfers’ clubs. They provide advice on shots. They clean clubs and golf balls. They let golfers know the distance between their ball and the hole. While there is a lot that goes into being a caddy, the primary function is to do whatever is necessary can to help a player have a successful and enjoyable round of golf.
Golf Academy A Famosa Golf Caddy Training Syllabus & Module :
- Familiarization with the Game of Golf.
- Familiarization with the layout of a 9/18 holes Golf Course.
- Familiarization with a Golf Set.
- Maintenance of a Golf Set.
- Items carried by a Golfer in a Golf Bag.
- The Roles and Responsibilities of a Caddy.
- Safety precautions to be practiced at all times on the Golf Course.
- Etiquettes expected of a Caddy.
- Handing over and taking over a Golf set from the Players.
- Sighting a Golf Ball.
- Maintenance of the golf Course as expected of a Caddy.
- Physical Training
- Mental Training
- Communication and language skills
- On the course Training.
- Reading the line & speed on the green
- Giving the correct yardage
- Club Selection
- Wind direction
- Rules of golf
- Identify the players ball
Training Module :
- Indoor classes
- Outdoor classes
- On the job training
- Physical Training.
- Mental Training.
- Golf Rules and Regulations.
- Golf etiquettes
- Turf and green repair.
- Communication and language Skills.